In Oui, Lua API are organized as module-methods.

root@OpenWrt:~# ls /usr/share/oui/rpc/
acl.lua       network.lua   ubus.lua      ui.lua        wireless.lua
demo.lua      system.lua    uci.lua       user.lua

Each Lua file here represents a module. Module name is Lua file name(without suffix).

Each Lua API file needs to return a Lua Table, which consists of multiple Lua functions.

-- /usr/share/oui/rpc/test.lua

local M = {}

params: Parameters passed by the front-end call
section: The login session information is a Table.
         Contains the currently logged in username (username) and the permission group (acl) to which it belongs.
function M.func1(params, section)
    local res = {}
    return res

return M
this.$'test', 'func1', {a: 1}).then(res => {